Saturday, May 24, 2008

She said what???

Hillary Clinton's sheer desperation to stay in the Democratic race hit a new low yesterday when she equated this year's presidential primary to the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy during that year's Democratic Presidential Primary. While there have obviously been concerns about Obama's safety, being the first African-American candidate to advance this far in the race for the White House, stooping to this level of desperation is bad, even for Hillary. It's like trying to sell life insurance to a woman by reminding her that her husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year. You just don't go there. I don't care if it is a real concern, or if you think it may happen, but you don't justify your reluctance to drop out of a race you've lost because there is a chance that your challenger may be assassinated. The real tragedy here is that Hillary just torpedoed her own political career. Goodbye to dreams of the White House, the Senate, or even City Council. She's done, and it's over. Any super delegate with half a brain or any voter with any sense of logic will vote Obama now and close out this election. She had a chance, and now she's done. Fact is that she has no one to blame but herself.


Missy said...
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Missy said...

She wasn't using the Kennedy example to say she thinks Obama is going to be assasinated, she was just using an example of how races before have lasted into June...see
I think people are making way too big a deal out of this.

Bob Rees said...

Only problem with using that example and her husband's examples is that both were practically over by June and she shouldn't have gone there. Hillary's out of the race, it's almost impossible for her to win now, and by bringing up the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, she did the same thing as Huckabee did when he asked "Don't they believe that Christ and Satan are brothers" to draw doubt about Mitt's religion, another hot issue. It's stupid ad hominem attacks that try to create an emotional response to a electoral non-sequitor.