Thursday, October 9, 2008

Spying on American Troops?

Wow. I just read an article on CNN that got my blood boiling. The report is that the NSA used the Bush Administration's broad license to wiretap international calls to spy on American military officer's calls home. Forgive me if I don't trust the denials from the NSA saying that if they were personal conversations they were immediately deleted, but what reason do we have to trust what they say anyways?

Agree with me or not on the Bush wiretapping policies (see my previous posts) this is bad even for W. I cannot believe that the federal government would deem it ethical, moral, or its place to listen to the private converstaions of our military personell and their loved ones. Not only do we have our troops stuck in Iraq for who knows how long, but now we are giving them the ultimate slap in the face by violating their personal confidence and closest relationships.

I can't think of a better way for our federal government to say "thanks, but no thanks" for the ultimate sacrifice of these brave men and women who not only leave their families, but are risking their lives in the service of our country. I can only hope that people like you and I care enough to write our senators and representatives and let them know that this cannot stand.


Kimbo said...

Wow I had no idea. Thanks for the update. That is craziness. The news totally gets me worked up as well every time I tune in. It will be interesting to see what happens with the election and with everything going on in the next 6 months to a year.
ps it's about time for a new post ;) Glad you're back!

Rachael said...

I just had some students write a paper on wiretapping. I was really amazed at some of their data, especially on how many were approved vs. how many denied (I'm thinking it was about 18,000 approved vs. 5 denied in a ten-year period, but I'm not positive).