Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well, graduation came and went, and now I'm sick from standing in the cold and SNOW, yes, SNOW, in the ASB parking lot waiting to walk into commencement. But on the bright side, I'm done. Yes, I will no longer have to shave so that I can take tests, I will never again spend countless hours in my hideaway in the SWKT studying political theory or writing papers about how I found a point of agreement with Rocky Anderson. I'm so excited to be done. Yet, at the same time, it's kind of sad. The BYU period of my life is done. Yeah, it was good while it lasted. Freshman year, hanging out with Rach, Pablo, and Rico, trying to decide on a major, and finding my political views a little left of most of the political science student body at the Y. All in the past. I now embark on a new part of my life... trying to figure out where I'm going to attend law school, where we will eventually end up, and what type of law I am going to pursue. So, I sit here on a Sunday afternoon, blogging and watching the NBA playoffs, and I keep thinking about what homework I should be doing instead. Oddly enough, there is none. There are, however, more than fifteen books sitting on my bookshelf that I can't wait to read and a date with Gold's Gym that I have been putting off two months too long. I'm still not sure if the fact that I have graduated has sunk in, but it will soon. I'll miss those good ol' days on campus, pulling all-nighters to get papers done, but I'm sure excited about being done and applying to law school. So long BYU!


savvy said...

kind of sad, isn't it? I had no idea you enjoyed all those all-nighters! If I'd known that, I might've made you go to sleep! :) j/k i love you!

Mack Hardy said...

Feels good, don't it? Gotta love the memories... but man, I am SO happy it's over! ;-) Congrats my friend!

Rachael said...

Yeah, it was weird to be done. But don't'll all start again in a few years! Except this time (unless you go to BYU) your campus will be filled with naked and drunk people. Honestly, the first time I saw the naked people walking down the street headed to the football game (okay, okay, they were wearing aprons, so they were only naked from behind) I really wanted to run for Utah. we had so many good times freshman year, didn't we? like staying out on the balcony until 2 am freezing and watching stupid movies, or going up to the canyon and randomly burning things. i'll always remember you as the one who taught me to microwave ice cream to get it soft enough to eat with a spoon straight out of the carton.

but congrats on being done!

Allison said...

let's not forget Del Taco after parties---those were off the hook! :) It's weird to be done...I totally agree!

Bob Rees said...

Dap to the Del Taco after parties. Good times