Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Truck

Here are some more pictures of my new truck. I'm ready to go rally in the mountains.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President-Elect Obama

Let me say first off that the fact that our country elected an African-American president makes me proud of how far our country has come, regardless of what party he or she may belong to.

That said, I'm excited about an Obama presidency and a new direction for the nation. No, I don't agree with him on everything, but I think that he will lead from the middle, as did Clinton.

I'm excited about the return of diplomacy and amicable foreign relations. I think that Obama has what it takes to solve this economic crisis: oversight, alternative energy, and a solution to health care.

I believe he will continue to mature and learn as he listens while in office. I know I've made this comparison a few times, but he reminds me of President Kennedy, idealistic and a little naive when he came into office, but quickly growing and maturing as he gains experience in office.

I am glad that the Democrats aren't filibuster-proof in the Senate and I hope that Obama can put his money where his mouth is and make his ideas happen. I know, though, that he will help us as a nation forget the last eight years and move forward to a better America.

Congratulations President Obama.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Vote!

If you're reading this and haven't voted yet today, close your computer and go vote.

(Then come back and read)

Election Day

Well, it's here. November 4. The day we not only elect our new president, but local representatives, senators, and school board members. For those of you that have talked to me about the election in the past few weeks, you have heard that I am changing my vote, and will vote Obama today. I didn't reach this decision easily, so let me tell you how I got here.

I was a McCain fan in 2000, and I was extremely excited when he announced his candidacy this year. My excitement, however, has turned to apathy, then disillusionment as I saw McCain fight rightly into the GOP's model of W. I saw Rovian politics at work again, and as time has passed I question the decision to pick Sarah Palin as his VP.

Early on, my concerns with Obama were that 1) he didn't have the particulars lined out and 2) there is no executive experience on the ticket. As the campaign has progressed, Obama has lined out the particulars- diplomacy, alternative fuels, and getting out of Iraq. And on the experience note, I agree with friends who have argued that nothing really ever prepares you for the job of President. Ex. John F. Kennedy.

While I don't agree totally with Obama's agenda, I do like his focus on foreign diplomacy rather than just relying on brute force and military strength because if you haven't noticed, our military is not the strongest in the world any more. I honestly believe Obama will do more to heal our global image and do more to build back burnt bridges than McCain. On top of that, I despise McCain's health care policy and his plan to get the economy back on track. I honestly believe that Obama will provide the tools to get over the recession faster than another four years of Bush economic policy. More transparency, oversight, a balanced budget, and alternative energy will be the tools to get our country back on track.

I know I will have comments disagreeing with me, but please keep the political trolling off the comments.