Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Steroids and Baseball

Roger Clemens recently went on the record with ESPN, saying that steroids and HGH are "dangerous and destructive [shortcuts] that no athlete should ever take". He's right, but if a player does take it and is called out in a report by an ex-United States Senator, he should own up to it. Until now, Clemens and Bonds are the only two to deny ever taking HGH or steroids, though both are mentioned in the report. To date, Andy Pettitte, Fernando Vina, Jason Giambi, and others have accepted responsibility and admitted taking HGH. Why does Clemens feel that he has to tarnish his reputation by lying about the Mitchell Report? Is it because he's scheduled to speak in Texas about the benefits of his diet and exercise program that allowed him to play so late into his career? I can't understand why he feels the need to deny all of these allegations. Pettitte has accepted responsibility for his actions, as did Vina on SportsCenter yesterday. It takes a bigger man to accept it and move on than it does to just flatly deny that these allegations even exist. Though the allegations of HGH and steroid use are stunning allegations and rocked the baseball world last week, I am more ashamed by the actions of Clemens and Bonds than I am by those who took HGH. I have more respect for Fernando Vina, who went on national TV and apologized for his actions than I do for the arrogant stonewalling of Clemens and Bonds.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Update your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!