Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Energy Crisis

I had been at a loss of ideas (as well as time) for new blog posts, but I figured I'd post my ideas about the world's energy crisis. It's tragic, really, that we let it get this far before trying to finally do something about our dependence on non-renewable sources of energy. Bush's solution to our high energy costs is just to feed our reliance on oil by drilling offshore... horrible idea. The Dems in Congress want to nationalize all of the nation's oil refineries... another horrible idea. McCain may have the brightest idea of the group, calling for 45 new nuclear reactors and $2 billion a year toward achieving clean coal. Alternative fuels are not only a bright idea in reducing our reliance on foreign oil, but it's also a step toward reducing our environmental impact. Like I said in an earlier post, the high price of oil is beneficial in the sense that it makes people think twice about letting their car idle forever or in leading the public to demand public transportation and bike paths.

All in all, the solution to our energy problem is not to nationalize the oil industry or to drill offshore or in ANWR, but to find alternative sources of energy, of which nuclear is by far the most effective.

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