Monday, June 23, 2008

Security vs. Privacy

An article by an Orlando news station cites the city's program of implementing high tech security cameras to attempt to reduce crime and give police a leg up on enforcement. While I believe that technology can be beneficial to law enforcement, I also get a little weary about this type of government intrusion into privacy. I have heard that those who are innocent have nothing to fear, but where do we draw the line? Wiretapping, email surveillance without warrants, warrant less searches, etc. are all forbidden by the Constitution. Maybe it's my libertarian leanings, or maybe it's just my love of personal freedoms, but I believe our government does not and should not have the power to monitor the actions of its citizens in public. One of the most basic powers of a government is the police power, but it is also one of the most volatile and easily abused, as seen by recent executive abuses. Those of you who read, feel free to disagree... I welcome debate. Let me know your reasoning, but I feel, like Jefferson, that our security is not worth sacrificing our freedoms.

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