Monday, June 2, 2008

US Prison Ships

So, here's another storyline in the Bush Administration's string of human rights abuses. In addition to the secret CIA prisons in foreign countries, a UK newspaper printed an article citing reports of the United States using ships as "floating prisons". This new report sends another shiver down my spine; is this really what the United States has resorted to in the "war on terror"? This is disturbing because not only can you be held without a trial indefinitely, but now our country is "interrogating" terror suspects on board these vessels then moving them to other undetermined locations without ever reporting how many are being held. This is far worse than Abu Ghraib. People may be killed during "interrogation" on these ships, and no one would ever know. Not to mention the "interrogation" techniques being used. These people are being held without public knowledge, with no hope of a trial, being beaten and tortured all in the name of national security. I have heard the argument that those who are innocent have no need to fear, but how many innocent people are being held on these ships or in Guantanamo? We may never know, because many of them may never receive a fair trial. Again, who would know if one of these ghost prisoners were killed on board these ships? The price we are paying for security is too high, and we have allowed the President, mainly W, but all are to fault, to exercise unchecked powers and go to war unilaterally. The public needs to pay attention to these and other civil rights violations being perpetrated by our nation. The United States is in the process of "spreading democracy" across the world, but when we torture, kill, and deny humans their most basic and fundamental rights, how are we justified?
For more information on civil rights, visit Amnesty International or Reprieve.

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